about Kundalini Yoga

What is Yoga?

Yoga means the connection between your consciousness and the universal consciousness. That can create a feeling of ONENESS within you, you feel happy, healthy and have a posivive attitude for the life itself, the nature and all the beings on earth.

What is Kundalini?

Kundalini means literally the curl in the hair of the beloved. It is the energy which is in every body, deep inside at the very base of the spine. This energy is a lifeforce. Yogi Bhajan said that we only use 20% of this energy, with Yoga, and spescially Kundalini Yoga , we can tease this energy to open up and pulsate through our bodies, to feel energized, open, carefree, happy and to give us the power to create our life as we wish and for the better.

You can handle stressful situations better, feel more relaxed and you will find many new thing are meaningful in you life.

Kundalini Yoga helps you to unfold this energie and to let it flow as unhindered as possible.

This powerful life force takes its way to the whole body through 7 Energy-Centers called Chakras.

What are Chakras?

 Chakra means "wheel". Chakras are energy centers in your body which have many different funktions. In Kundalini Yoga we focus on the 8 main chakras (there are much more) You can emagine them as a colored wheel moving in a specific speed. If one of these get unbalanced, all others will get unbalanced with time, No chakra stands alone, all together they work in unison. Practicing Kundalini Yoga will empower the Prana (lifeforce) and the Kundalini Energy to flow freely and continuous through your body and harmonize the chakras. The chakras nurish the body. Some have a close relationsship to our nervious system, or to organs in the body, the 8th has a connection to the Aura - the electromagnetic field around the body. Kundalini Yoga maximize the cleaning and balancing effects of the Prana for the chakras. All this will lead to a better function of the body, mind and spirit. If you want to learn more about chakras...there are many books about this topic in many languages, I recommend the book - Your life is in your Chakras from Guru Rattana PH.D. Drawings from the body with chakras you can find everywhere in the web!!


Kriya means compleated action. A Kriya is an exercise series.

In Kundalini Yoga there are hundreds of different exercise series for differt kinds of organs (e.g heart, lungs, stomach), systems (e.g nervous system, glandular System), health problems (e.g headaches, stress, pain) or emotional issues like grief, fear, little selfesteem and so on............ 


Mantra - Man = Mind, tra= tranquil

A Mantra tranquilize your Mind and your thoughts, you can break out from circular thinking.

Why we are singing or chanting?

Singing sends nice, healing and relaxing vibrations through your whole body. So with singing/chanting Mantras, you can relax your thoughts.....and your body. In the mouth there are 84 acupuncure points in the upper palate, which will be activated through chanting. These points have a direct connection to the brain. Chanting changes the brains chemistry, to feel better, to have a better life!!